- Number
- Any
- Number
- 8500.00 - 30000.00 INR
- 12500 INR
NEC Pneumatic TurbineVibrators from National Electric Co Material Handling offer a convenient,reliable alternative to other vibrators. Designed to keep noise pollution at a minimum,NEC Turbine Vibrators aid in controlling the flow of material in almost anyapplication, from screening, sizing and separating both fine and coarsematerials, to aiding the flow of materials from supply hoppers and chutes, todriving parts feeders.* Unlike other vibrators,NEC turbine vibrators usecompressed air to turn a turbine wheel, allowing air to be channeled throughthe unit and then through a muffler. This makes turbine vibrators convenient inlocations where electricity is not readily available. Speed is adjusted bysimply varying the air supply. Additionally, the vibrator's sealed bearings areprerelubricated for life, making them ideal for food and other applicationswhere oily exhaust air is unacceptable. And, their compact, totally enclosedconstruction eliminates concern over environmental factors such as dust, dirtor moisture.
There are fivetypes of NEC Pneumatic Turbine Vibrators: NEC10, NEC16, NEC 20, NEC 36, NEC 48.